By DiabetesfrailPosted on 21.04.2022Posted in Uncategorized 1. What reasons might an older person give to a clinician on why they are not eating well? Don’t feel hungry No appetite Unable to cook Cost All of the above 2. Lack of nutrition can lead to: Feeling weak and tired More hospitalisations through dehydration, malnutrition and frailty Depression and behavioural challenges All of the above 3. The goal for older people is to maintain a diet that focuses on nutritional values, which do you consider important. Three main per day Three portions of protein per day Calorie intake Social interaction All of the above 4. What should be the ideal nutritional advice for older people with frailty? Eat smaller meals often Only eat when hungry Eat what they like only Aim to eat three balanced meals per day Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables 5. Vitamin D is important for older people, what foods would provide vitamin D? Oily fish Butter Egg yolks Fortified cereal Mushrooms All of the above 6. Should an older person consider taking a vitamin D supplement? Yes No 7. An older person can suffer from a type of eating disorder True False Loading … Question 1 of 7 Quiz Post navigation PresentationPrivacy Policy