International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics (IAGG): The IAGG is a global organisation committed to research and training to promote Geriatric Medicine at an international level. Professor Sinclair was awarded the IAGG Presidential Award in 2013 for his work in the field of diabetes in old age and his contributions to gerontology worldwide. He has also continuously supported the efforts of the IAGG, for instance by acting as a course leader on the IAGG Intensive Courses on Ageing in 2011 and 2012 in Barcelona, and as a Project Leader for the Global Initiative in Diabetes for Older People in 2012 to 2013.

World Health Organisation (WHO): Prof. Sinclair has been designated as an WHO Expert in Diabetes, and, in 2014 was appointed to the WHO Expert Group on Frailty. In 2014 in Geneva, Professor Sinclair and other eminent experts, developed a document that set the global platform for more enquiry and research into this area of clinical study.

International Diabetes Federation (IDF): The IDF represents over 230 national diabetes associations in 170 countries. Professor Sinclair has been appointed to Co-Lead the Working party to produce Global Guidance on Managing Diabetes in Older People.

International Federation on Ageing (IFA):  The IFA consists of a global panel of experts on  aging and Geriatric Medicine. Professor Sinclair is a member of the Global Think Tank on Ageing & Diabetes Working Group who most recently convened in Copenhagen in 2015.

Older People Diabetes Network (OPDN): The OPDN, in association with NHS Diabetes, was established in 2012. It consists of 4 regional groups in England (North, Midlands/East of England, South and London). In each region a network of multidisciplinary health and social care staff together to develop policy and improve care for older patients with diabetes. Prof. Sinclair is the National Chair of the OPDN. At a conference held in Aston University, Birmingham in 2015, the OPDN pledged to commit towards improving the care of older people with diabetes in the UK.








International and National Roles
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