The continuing impact of the Covid-19 outbreak has meant that the Older Peoples Diabetes Network (OPDN) meeting will now be provisionally scheduled for Thursday, 18th February 2021 from 1300h – 1600h as an afternoon webinar hosted by Orange Juice Communications.

The chair of the OPDN, Professor Alan Sinclair, has confirmed that the topics being presented by leading clinicians will be:

  • Covid 19, Diabetes & Frailty: key issues in managing acute illness in the frail and housebound
  • The work of themulti-stakeholder National Advisory Panel on Diabetes in Care Homes
  • Guidance for Primary Care Management of Diabetes in Older people – the work of the EUGMS-EDWPOP Collaboration
  • Screening for Sensory Loss in the Legs
  • Latest developments in treating older adults with diabetes

Free Registration and access to the 3h webinar will be available. For more information, please coontact: Professor Alan Sinclair at: [email protected] or Oliver Jelley, Chief Executive, Orange Juice Communications at: [email protected].

Next OPDN meeting in early 2021 announced
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