Care home staff are being invited to attend a live and interactive webinar to help treat residents who have diabetes during acute illness.

Developed and led by Professor Alan Sinclair (Foundation for Diabetes Research in Older People, fDROP) and Lynne Reedman (DUET diabetes, an organisation set up to help improve the understanding and knowledge of healthcare professionals looking after those who have the condition). The workshop will take place on February 10, 9.30am – 12.30pm.

The webinar content will be based around the existing guidelines including the ‘A Covid-19 Response action – Diabetes Management in Care Homes’ document that was issued in May 2020.

Professor Sinclair, a leading international expert in diabetes said: “We’re hoping our presentation will help support care homes so all staff can feel confident that they have the knowledge and skills with which to appropriately care for the acutely unwell older resident  living with diabetes.

“We firmly believe by providing the right education and training to the care home sector, that together we can minimise morbidity and mortality from acute illness, such as COVID-19, in the older adult who is living with diabetes and maintain, or even improve their quality of life.”

Those who take part will be able to gain an overview of what diabetes is including signs and symptoms, understand how to manage high and low blood glucose levels,  obtain a greater understanding of diabetes related monitoring and how COVID-19, and other serious infections, can cause serious acute illness in the older adult.

The content will be relevant for managers, deputy managers, clinical leads, nurses, diabetes leads, champions, senior carers, support workers and unregistered practitioners.

At the moment, the cost of the event is yet to be confirmed, but it is thought each place will cost no more than £30 per person.

To register interest, click here.

Photo by Georg Arthur Pflueger on Unsplash








Care home staff urged to attend webinar about diabetes in older people
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